Thursday, December 18, 2008

one more update

this guy is amazing he can do anything because hes black and gets into fights

Fucking Sick Fucks

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


was a historic day, you know why? its because today was a day that tony tran offered to hang out with us!!!! fuuck man i didnt even think that piece of shit like that guy would lock him self in and jack off to henti or chicks from final fantasy. So on to the topic, we picked him up and danny brought his ski mask to pull a prank on that bastard but we forgot to do it. we drove a long way to sonics and service there was shit and the steak rings tasted like gummi rings hahaha. after sonics we headed to brea mall which is a carpet mall(shitty mall) looked around and found nothing .so tony just made this stupid horse face of his, it made me puke on his face hahaha, this is one day to remember because bj made a quote for him "he is a god among us" hahha we will now remember tony for his unique personaility. Hopefully in the future we can see that frosted hair mother fucker again.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


As u guys already know i have been playing at casinos and poker nights. Today was an unusual because i played a couple of slots hit jack pot (pic above), but usually i dont play as often. i was totally so unexpected to win at least 200 dollars on one slot fucking amazing. So after christmas anyone wants to go to a casino tell me and im there bring a 50 bucks and you're set.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Meatvibe'z adventure

Today this is a special about a backstory of the unique boy that is named under magicflash32 enjoy as we tell you this story

tonyluvskids666how was adam
4:39 PM
tonyluvskids666i thought adam has a car
fluffyblackmeatadam doesnt hav a car
fluffyblackmeatadam finally got a shirt that fits him
tonyluvskids666hes not wearing a dress
fluffyblackmeatand he was drinking ORANGE juice
fluffyblackmeatstill has a lot of sugar
fluffyblackmeatbut thats an improvement
tonyluvskids666is the world is going to an end
tonyluvskids6661. not wearing a dress
tonyluvskids666has a licsense
tonyluvskids6663 and drinking orange soda
fluffyblackmeatteh signs are there
tonyluvskids666whe4re was he going
fluffyblackmeatto alexs house
fluffyblackmeatbut i was lik
fluffyblackmeatEH BISH
fluffyblackmeatand i was ilk where you goin
fluffyblackmeatand hes lik alexs
tonyluvskids666his booty call
fluffyblackmeatand i was lik thomas is home workin on his ride
fluffyblackmeatand hes lik oh can you take me to thomass
tonyluvskids666was hesitant to go in ur car
fluffyblackmeatand im lik ok get hte fuck in
fluffyblackmeatyea lol he was scared i was goin to do something
tonyluvskids666hahahh !!!
fluffyblackmeati was lik eh adam
fluffyblackmeatdrive my car
fluffyblackmeatand he said no and got all scared
tonyluvskids666can i put this convo on my blog hahahh
4:49 PM
fluffyblackmeatyea haha
fluffyblackmeatadam and alex are playin bball at los
fluffyblackmeatyou should go by there
fluffyblackmeatand take ap ic
fluffyblackmeatpost it on your blog
tonyluvskids666wait they went to play ball
fluffyblackmeatwell thomas finsihed his car then took adam somewhere to his coworkers house
fluffyblackmeatthen he dropped adam back at alexs
fluffyblackmeatand now
fluffyblackmeatonly adam and alex are at monroe
fluffyblackmeatplaying ball
fluffyblackmeati mean
fluffyblackmeatlos amigos

tonyluvskids666hahahahh!!! im going there right now

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fuck the hundreds

It's now time to line up for these vans cause they are going hot hot hot into wacker's ass. and for you people out there imagine sarah cryer and samantha phillps naked scissoring!!!!